Frequently asked questions
We collaborate with thousands of stand firms every day all across the world. Depending on the specifics of the work and the location of the Event, we determine who the most competitive suppliers are for each booth request.
We deal with reputable firms and consider the feedback of other customers who have worked with them previously, as well as their experience in the location where the event will be place and the opinion they merit after more than one years of working with them.
They are separated into two types: Design stands and Modular stands.
The design stands are custom-made constructions that are tailored to your brand's image. They are more expensive since they feature a bespoke design process and a one-of-a-kind construction tailored to your needs. A good design stand may make the most of any budget. Compare and contrast various proposals.
A modular stand is a reusable structure that does not adapt to your business image and, without a doubt, has a lower cost. However, in a highly competitive climate, it also conveys a negative impression of your brand.